Quick Start - Viewing Standards

Quick Start - Viewing Standards

Documents/standards are viewed online via the built-in document viewer in the document's own tab.  The viewer also provides access to abstract information about the standard, as well as, translations and older versions, if there are any released.

Displaying a document
  • Click on a standard within Search results, a Library, Collections, Favorites, Bookmarks, or a document's Abstract, Versions or Translations options.  Any of these will display the \bdocument in the built-in viewer.

Accessing document information
  • On the viewer's toolbar, click on Abstract.

  1. The Abstract contains descriptive information about the document.

Accessing related documents
  • Click on Versions - These are the formal English language standards.

  • Click on Translations - These are language translations, if available, of the formal standard.

Working with shortcuts
  • Collections and the Favorite icon on located on the left side toolbar of the viewer.

  • Bookmarks are located in the document navigator toolbar ot the top of the document.

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